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The obviously errant way of evolution reasoning

Here's what they say:
"A good example is the modern elephant and the extinct woolly mammoth. These creatures evolved from a common ancestor, but experienced different environments. Exposed to a cold climate, mammoths adapted by growing warm, furry coats and smaller ears.
An artist's impression of a woolly mammoth in an icy environment
next to an image of two Asian elephants in a hot, dusty environment:

The evolution of woolly mammoths and Asian elephants diverged as they adapted to their surroundings. Woolly mammoths evolved thick coats and small ears to survive chilly temperatures, whereas Asian elephants retained a sparse coat and large ears to help heat escape from their bodies."

What they never explain is how and in what sequence these evolutionary changes occurred. Was the hairless elephant suddenly or gradually exposed to cold temperatures and decided to grow a thick coat of fur?
If an elephant from today is placed in a cold climate, it simply dies. There is no time for generations to arise where genetic mutations begin to create a furry coat and smaller ears. By then, the species would have died out!

So they never explain the steps in between.
It's like 'which came first, the chicken or the egg?'

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