Scott Lively Launches a Non C3 Church

Dr. Lively follows his criticism of "Defeated C3 Churches" with a pro-active solution: the establishment of his own post-denominational, Bible-governed, culturally conservative, politically-active non-C3 church. In this video he simply declares the church into existence in his capacity as a Christian pastor and constitutional law attorney, expressly rejecting the notion that registration with the government is legally required. He also issues an invitation to Christian believers in the vicinity of Olive Branch, Mississippi to join him in the development of the church as a model that can be followed by other congregations. Anyone, anywhere who is interested in supporting this effort is invited to contact Dr. Lively at [email protected] and to donate toward this cause at

The new church is named First Century Bible Church in reference to its emphasis first on the model and doctrinal perspectives of the Jerusalem-based first century church, and secondly on the first century of the United States of America, when the culture, law and politics was dominated by the church and the entire society acknowledged that the nation was founded on the Bible.

Scott's article on this subject

Scott Lively Ministries at

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