Scott Lively on Rockefeller's Spanish Flu Pandemic

Dr. Lively continues his study of orchestrated disease pandemics as a tool of Marxist social manipulation and population control with a look back at the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. He highlights a pair of recent well documented articles exposing an experimental anti-meningitis vaccine derived from horse blood by the Rockefeller Institute as the likely cause of the pandemic. The disease, which was neither Spanish nor Influenza, was spread initially by US soldiers bound for the European battlefields of WWI, who were used as human guinea pigs to test the vaccine.

While the writer of the articles suggested John D. Rockefeller did not intend to create a pandemic with his vaccine, Dr. Lively argues that such a motive would have been fully consistent with Rockefeller's eugenicist philosophy. An article detailing this hypothesis and offering supporting evidence is published at under the same title as this video.

Scott's article on this subject

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