Scott Lively on Schumer's NY Whirlwind

Dr. Lively argues that New York City is presently reaping the whirlwind that Brooklyn-based US Senator Chuck Schumer threatened against Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh just three weeks ago. Lively points out that under Biblical legal principles, the punishment for bearing false witness against another is to suffer the same legal consequences the crimes they falsely alleged. On March 4th Schumer promised they would reap a "whirlwind [so severe] ... You won't know what hit you." The crime at issue is the capital crime of murder -- per the pro-abortion narrative that women will die if Roe v Wade is reversed.

Because Schumer represents a political entity that recently passed an horrific new baby-killing law, God's sentence would apply to those under that corrupt leadership. Dr. Lively laments that the people of New York must suffer the consequences of their rulers' actions but predicts that when all is said and done, NYC will have the highest casualties of any city in America.

Scott's article on this subject

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