Scott Lively on Wimp vs Warrior Churches

Dr. Lively puts on his pastor hat to contrast the attitude of Massachusetts vs California churches about "re-opening" within the context of similarly overreaching government lock-down policies. He applauds the decision of California churches to simply declare to Fascist Governor Gavin Newsom their intention to reopen on May 31st (Pentecost Sunday) and criticizes the decision of Massachusetts churches to approach Uber-RINO Governor Charles Baker as supplicants, implicitly validating the idea that Christian worship gatherings are a privilege which government has the right to grant or deny.

Dr. Lively then puts on his constitutional lawyer hat to briefly summarize the history of governments' encroachment on Christian liberty, and how the "separation of church and state" was transformed first from a cultural metaphor, to (purportedly) binding constitutional law in which the separate sovereignty of the church was at least still implicitly acknowledged, and then further converted into a legal and political "one way street" in which the government claims the authority to control churches and the "duty" of the church is to submit to being categorized as a "non-essential service" and to comply with government dictates.

He strongly urges all Bible-believing churches in American to follow the California rather than the Massachusetts example. And he specifically exempts the courageous Pastor Kristopher Casey of Alden Square Baptist Church of Worcester, Massachusetts from this criticism.

Scott's article on this subject

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