Scott Lively on the BLM Race Riots

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On the road to hold a planning meeting for the upcoming Black Robe Regiment Summit, Dr. Lively films a commentary defending President Trump's delay in ordering federal intervention to quell Marxist rioting across America as a necessary acknowledgement of State's Rights under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. Lively argues federal action was only justified by the obvious ineptitude and in some cases complicity of Dem governors (and mayors).

He characterized President Trump's latitude with these state leaders (and their media co-conspirators) as another example of unmasking bad actors to public view, just as his Justice Department is unmasking Obama and many agents of the Deep State by the release of documentation of their criminal culpability. He reiterates his contention that the current wave of anarchy is designed in significant part to deflect public attention from Obamagate, starting as it did just a day or two before the heavily damning Flynn Transcripts were released.

This Commentary on World Net Daily [PDF]

This Commentary on World Net Daily

Scott's article on this subject

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