Dr. Lively shares his belief that Bill Cosby's well known even-handedness and fatherly rationality about racial issues was a serious political threat to Obama's BLM/CRT movement and strategy that was being taken nationally in 2014 starting with the Ferguson riots, and for that reason some decades-old allegations of sexual abuse were revived for the purpose of neutralizing him preemptively. It was never about his guilt or innocence, but only his potential to derail the BLM/CRT agenda. Consider just how difficult it would have been for the hard left in America to stir up racial hatred and violence if "America's Dad" -- the most loved and respected Black entertainer of our generation -- was in the news making comments like the one quoted in this video at the same time BLM was trying to inflame inner-city Blacks with the "systemic racism -- all Whites are evil" narrative.

This material on Scott's WND channel | PDF version

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