- Ch. 3-1 - CBS Hartford WFSB-HD - Ch. 3 Tower
- Ch. 3-2 - Ion MYSTERY TV
- Ch. 3-3 - LAFF TV
- Ch. 3-4 - WWAX, theWAX-LD (LD version of 27-1) direct
- Ch. 14-1 - TELEMUNDO WDMR-LD - Ch. 14 Tower
- Ch. 14-2 - TeleXITOS
- Ch. 14-3 - localX NBCLX
- Ch. 14-4 - OXYGEN True Crime - Oxygen TV direct - Wiki info
- Ch. 19-1 - TELEMUNDO TLMD (Operated by WVIT Ch. 30)
- Ch. 19-2 - TeleXITOS (Ch. 30, Ch. 19 Tower)
- Ch. 20-1 - The CW WCCT-DT - Ch. 20 Tower | Stream all shows
- Ch. 20-2 - GRIT TV - Grit TV direct
- Ch. 20-3 - COMET TV - WATCH LIVE
- Ch. 22-1 - NBC Springfield WWLP-DT Ch. 22 Tower
- Ch. 22-2 - The CW | Stream all shows
- Ch. 22-3 - ION | ION direct
- Ch. 22-4 - Ion MYSTERY TV
- Ch. 24-1 - PBS Hartford WEDH (Kids til 1:30 pm) (Same as 65-3)
- Ch. 24-2 - PBS Kids (Same as 65-2, 57-3) - Tower
- Ch. 24-3 - PBS Spirit (Same as 65-1)
- Ch. 26-1 - ION Television WHPX New London - Ch. 26 Tower
- Ch. 26-2 - BOUNCE TV - Bounce TV direct
- Ch. 26-3 - COURT TV - Court TV WATCH LIVE
- Ch. 26-4 - DEFY TV Info
- Ch. 26-5 - SCRIPPS News TV Scripps direct
- Ch. 26-6 - JEWELRY Home Shopping Network
- Ch. 26-7 - QVC Home Shopping Network
- Ch. 26-8 - HSN Home Shopping Network
- Ch. 27-1 - CBS WWWAX-HD ver. of 3-4 - direct
- Ch. 27-2 - CHARGE! TV Watch Charge! Live Stream direct
- Ch. 27-3 - EWNNOW Eyewitness News Now, was WFSB 3.6 direct
- Ch. 27-4 - FIDO Dog TV direct
- Ch. 27-5 - Defy TV direct
- Ch. 27-6 - The 365 All Black TV
- Ch. 27-7 - Outlaw TV, The Western Channel direct
- Ch. 30-1 - NBC New Haven WVIT-HD - Ch. 30, Ch. 19 Tower
- Ch. 30-2 - COZI TV Cozi TV direct
- Ch. 30-3 - NBCLX Home WATCH LIVE
- Ch. 30-4 - OXYGEN True Crime - Oxygen TV direct - Wiki info
- Ch. 33-1 - CBS3 WSHM-HD Tower, Mt. Tom
- Ch. 33-2 - COZI TV Cozi TV direct
- Ch. 33-3 - START TV - Start TV direct
- Ch. 33-4 - GRIT TV - Grit TV direct
- Ch. 33-5 - DEFY TV
- Ch. 33-6 - LAFF TV
- Ch. 33-7 - The 365 All Black TV
- Ch. 35-1 - MeTV WHCT-LD Farmington - Ch. 35 1-5 Tower
- Ch. 35-2 - H&I - Heroes & Icons - H&! Direct
- Ch. 35-3 - Start TV - Start TV direct
- Ch. 35-4 - Movies!
- Ch. 35-5 - CATCHY Comedy - Catchy TV direct
- Ch. 35-6 - MeTV Plus (PDF)
- Ch. 35-7 - Story Television - Change Time Zone - Channel info
- Ch. 35-8 - MeTV Toons
- Ch. 35-9 - DABL TV All Black sitcom channel
- Ch. 40-1 - ABC Springfield WGGB-TV - Ch. 40 1-2 Tower
- Ch. 40-2 - Fox 6 Springfield WGGB-DT2
- Ch. 40-3 - Court TV Springfield - WATCH LIVE
- Ch. 40-4 - Outlaw TV, The Western Channel direct
- Ch. 43-1 - Univision WHTX-HD - Ch. 43 1-2 Tower (Provin Mtn)
- Ch. 57-1 - PBS Springfield WGBY (Kids til 2 pm) - Ch. 57 Tower
- Ch. 57-2 - PBS World Springfield
- Ch. 57-3 - PBS Kids Springfield (Same as 24-2, 65-2)
- Ch. 57-4 - PBS Create Springfield
- Ch. 61-1 - Fox Hartford WTIC-DT - Ch. 61 Tower
- Ch. 61-2 - Antenna TV -Antenna TV Direct
- Ch. 61-3 - Get TV - Get TV direct
- Ch. 61-4 - True Crime Network
- Ch. 61-5 - The Nest TV Network
- Ch. 65-1 - PBS Spirit WEDY (Same as 24-3) - Ch. 65 1-3 Tower
- Ch. 65-2 - PBS Kids (Same as 24-2, 57-3)
- Ch. 65-3 - PBS CPTV (Kids til 1:30 pm) (Same as 24-1)
Current Antenna Channel count: 72
Springfield, Mass. area TV Guide Channel Master
More Detail on these & other Channels from On TV Tonight
More Detail on these & other Channels from RabbitEars.com
NEWS! - USTVGO.tv, which had 100 free cable channels (about 15 requiring Nord VPN) is currently CLOSED!
After several years, they pulled the plug. No one is saying the exact reason, but something like that was bound to happen. Now, another similar service could arise, but probably not for some time
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